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After 20 years in the corporate world in Denmark and Chile and having collected a long bucket list of places we wanted to see; we decided it was time to make our "travel around the world" dream come true. So we made a budget, saved up, started working on a three year travel plan, quit our jobs and here we are!


We started our journey on September 30th 2015 in Santiago de Chile, with three goals in mind: 1) To find out where in the world we want to live (if not Chile), 2) To decide what we want to do professionally and 3) To find a way to combine our passion for travelling with our jobs and achieve a better work-life balance. 


This website is mainly photographic and it aims at showing you some of the wonderful things we have seen and the great people we have met along the way. We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we have enjoyed taking them.


If you click on the travel map page you can see where we are in real time and the route we have followed. On the blog section you can read our thoughts on the places we have seen.


A big thank you to everyone who inspired us to go on this adventure and to our parents, who are responsible for giving us the travel bug.


Always remember, die with memories, not dreams!


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