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SOUTH AFRICA - Northern Cape - Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

Cederberg Wilderness Area

Cederberg Wilderness Area

In Cape Town we changed our small car for a 4WD with a roof tent and headed for a 50 day safari through 6 different countries. Our first stop was Cederberg.

Rock Art

Rock Art

Rock paintings

Rock paintings

These paintings are dated 8 to 100.000 years old and were made by the Khoisan, South Africa's first inhabitants and direct descendants of the Homo Sapiens. The Xhosa and Zulu tribes of South Africa have kept some of the clicking sounds the Khoisan use when speaking. The San people are normally referred to as Bushmen and most of the remaining ones live in the Kalahari Desert.

DA is the oposing party to ANC

DA is the oposing party to ANC

ANC is the African National Congress of which Nelson Mandela was a member and also Jacob Zuma, South Africa's current president.

Augrabies Falls

Augrabies Falls

Augrabies was also not on our plan, it was suggested by our friends in Cape Town and we enjoyed it a a lot.

Camping area

Camping area

We were waiting for our laundry to be done....

Augrabies Falls Gorge

Augrabies Falls Gorge

Augrabies Falls is a waterfall of the Orange River.

We were here in the dry season, so the river was very low. In high season the river will flood the area where we were standing.

Very colorful lizards

Very colorful lizards

Quiver trees

Quiver trees

So called because the San people use their branches to make quivers for their arrows.

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

So called because it stretches between South Africa and Botswana. Our plan was to cross the park to enter Botswana but we were not allowed because we were traveling alone. The crossing has difficult sand passes and you need more than one car in case you get stuck in the sand. So we had to visit only the South African side and change our travel plan to enter Namibia instead.

First night in Twee Rivieren Camp

First night in Twee Rivieren Camp



Queltehues have other colors here...

Queltehues have other colors here...

Our first Oryx!!!

Our first Oryx!!!

Or Gemsbok as the South Africans call them.

Lunch picnic

Lunch picnic

Plenty of Springbok

Plenty of Springbok

Spotted Hyenas

Spotted Hyenas

Secretary Bird

Secretary Bird

Black-backed jackal

Black-backed jackal

Our Camp

Our Camp

Plenty of insects in the night

Plenty of insects in the night

Our first lion up close!!!

Our first lion up close!!!

This guy was pretty awesome! We left camp around 6:00 AM and we knew other people had seen cats around this area the day before. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye Carsten saw something moving and far away we saw this lion coming towards us. So exciting!!! Funny enough they don't care about us at all.



Dancing Ostriches

Dancing Ostriches



Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk

Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk



Setting up camp

Setting up camp

Night sky

Night sky

Our first cheetas!

Our first cheetas!

Pygmy Hawk

Pygmy Hawk

Brown Hyena

Brown Hyena

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