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ZIMBABWE / ZAMBIA - Victoria Falls - Mana Pools

Border from Botswana into Zimbabwe

Border from Botswana into Zimbabwe

Vic Falls camp in Zimbabwe

Vic Falls camp in Zimbabwe

Walking to Vic Falls in Zambia

Walking to Vic Falls in Zambia

My new best friend

My new best friend

He was trying to sell me copper jewelry...

Zambezi river from the bridge

Zambezi river from the bridge

Welcome to Zambia

Welcome to Zambia



Vic Falls Zambia Side

Vic Falls Zambia Side

In wet season there's LOTS of water

In wet season there's LOTS of water

Walking to the Melting Pot

Walking to the Melting Pot

Melting Pot and bridge

Melting Pot and bridge

Zambezi River

Zambezi River

Bunjee Jumping

Bunjee Jumping

Nice restaurant

Nice restaurant

Vic Falls Zimbabwean side

Vic Falls Zimbabwean side



Dr. Livingstone

Dr. Livingstone

David Livingstone was a Scottish medical missionary and African explorer. One of the national heroes of the 19th-century Victorian Britain.

The Big Baobab

The Big Baobab

Driving to Lake Kariba

Driving to Lake Kariba

In Maun, Botswana, we met a Dane who suggested us to visit Mana Pools in Zimbabwe. He said: "Even if the grass is too high and you don't see a lot of animals, the scenery is beautiful and it pays off to go". He was absolutely right.

People carrying water

People carrying water

Obviously there is no water supply into the villages in Zimbabwe. Remember that Robert Mugabe has been Zimbabwe's president since 1987 and he has managed to destroy all industry in Zimbabwe, as well as steal everything there is to steal. He is 92 years old and wants no successor as he wants to live until he is 100 years old....good luck Zimbabwe....

This car has probably been here since 1987.

Local towns in Zimbabwe

Local towns in Zimbabwe

Masumu River Lodge

Masumu River Lodge

Was an excellent place to stay

Termite nests

Termite nests

Local bus

Local bus

Which was stuck and they were trying to fix it.

Local kids

Local kids

I wonder what they think when they see our car. South African license plates are not popular around here.



We always wondered if they were really selling something or if they were completely abandoned.

Bus stop

Bus stop

It was funny every bus stop seemed to have the name of the chief of the village next to it.



African people always smile, no matter what.



Corn, wheat and some tobacco are almost the only crops these people produce. Only for own consumption or trading with the villages close by.

Check point

Check point

We were checked for Tse Tse flies....

Local school?

Local school?

One of the many schools built by NGOs in Zimbabwe, which have been abandoned because the government refuses to pay the teachers. Uneducated citizens are easier to rule. NGOs who are not present in the country can easily fool their supporters into thinking they are doing something good for Zimbabwe, when in fact, they are not changing anything at all.



We chose the cold beer road...

We chose the cold beer road...



We spent the night in a Hotel in Makuti because it was the only place close by. Worst hotel ever.

Zambezi beer

Zambezi beer

Not recommendable for people who know their beer....unfortunately for us, and for Zimbabweans, there is no other beer around here.

Mana Pools National Park

Mana Pools National Park

Ground Hornbill!

Ground Hornbill!

HUGE hippo

HUGE hippo

Mana Pools!!

Mana Pools!!

Local kids

Local kids

Small Tiger Fish

Small Tiger Fish



For the first time on the trip, we got really stuck in black mud. Luckily two cars came on the same road and they helped us out. This was the day when Carsten's shoes were soaked in elephant urine and started to die....

Little Red

Little Red

Our new best mate, Shane.

Shane had been taking a guide course in South Africa, so he was great at finding tracks and animals. We saw a lot of hippos that morning.

And short legs can run pretty fast!

And short legs can run pretty fast!

Stuck again!

Stuck again!

This time in sand. Luckily, we also got help this time.

Perfect roads...

Perfect roads...



Our spot

Our spot

We spent five nights in Mana Pools. Shane and us were the only ones there. One day we got a visit from a nice czech couple, which spent one night there, and three "local" people (2 Zimbabwean and a French girl) who were working in one of the Park's lodges.

Rainbow Kingfisher

Rainbow Kingfisher

Bee eaters

Bee eaters

Sunset in Mana Pools

Sunset in Mana Pools

We will never forget the sounds of the animals at this time of the day. You can see the hippos right next to where we slept. In the night they came into the campsite to grass and walked very close to our car. It was fantastic!

Fresh cat footprints

Fresh cat footprints

"Maybe it's not a good idea to be out of the car. It seems to be a female with cubs....we should probably get into the cars." Fifty meters further, there they were....

Lion Family

Lion Family

Three female and four cubs....luckily they didn't smell us or felt threatened.

Lion sitting in the tree

Lion sitting in the tree



Giant Eagle Owl

Giant Eagle Owl

Exiting the park

Exiting the park

On the way to Harare

On the way to Harare

Driving back to South Africa

Driving back to South Africa

Antelope Park

Antelope Park

Antelope Park

Antelope Park

Bye bye Zimbabwe!

Bye bye Zimbabwe!

Hope we meet again soon!

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