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Uttar Pradesh

New Delhi Central Train Station

New Delhi Central Train Station

Waiting for our train to Agra

Agra Fort

Agra Fort

Agra Fort

Agra Fort

It was the main residence of the emperors of the Mughal Dynasty until 1638, when the Mughal capital was shifted from Agra to the Red Fort in Delhi.

It is so hot!!!!

It is so hot!!!!

Taj Mahal seen from Agra Fort

Taj Mahal seen from Agra Fort



I think it is safe to say, this is by far the ugliest city we saw in India. But you have to spend at least one night there if you want to see the Taj Mahal in the early morning.

Entrance of Taj Mahal

Entrance of Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum that the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan built around the mid 1600s in memory of his favorite wife who died giving birth. The construction lasted around 20 years, used around 20.000 artisans and costed around 850 million USD in today's money. The main building you see is the actual tomb.

Beautiful at sunrise

Beautiful at sunrise

Always beautiful colored clothes

Always beautiful colored clothes

Yamuna River

Yamuna River

We were in India during the dry season, so unfortunately we could not take a river cruise to see the Taj from the river.

Twenty rupees for the picture....

Twenty rupees for the picture....

Our Indian friends

Our Indian friends

Foreigners are very popular in India. Everybody always wanted to have a photo taken with us, so we asked them to take pictures for us in return. Most people never smile on the pictures, which is quite funny.

Our hotel in Agra

Our hotel in Agra

TV is more important than bringing our food

Getting to Agra Train Station

Getting to Agra Train Station

Agra Train Station

Agra Train Station

Train ride to Varanasi

Train ride to Varanasi



And view of the Ganges river



Perching Green Parrot

Perching Green Parrot

Mother Ganga Ceremony

Mother Ganga Ceremony

Every night, an Aarti ritual (Hindu religious ritual) of worship, takes place at the riverbeds of the Ganges.

Early rise

Early rise

The sacred river

The sacred river

The Ganges is the most scared river for the Hindu believers and even though it has septic water, hindus bathe in it and drink the water.

Doing the laundry

Doing the laundry

We were hoping our laundry had not been washed here...

The sacred bath

The sacred bath

Asceticism is common all over India

Asceticism is common all over India

These men have decided to abstain from earthly pleasures in order to pursue spiritual goals. Other Hindus normally provide them food and water and they also depend on people's charity in order to live.

Walking around Varanasi

Walking around Varanasi

Kathwala Nepalese Temple

Kathwala Nepalese Temple

Erotic images are common

Erotic images are common

Blue Lassi

Blue Lassi

The best mango lassi in India!

Mango Lassi

Mango Lassi

Boat tour on Ganges River

Boat tour on Ganges River

Cremation area

Cremation area

Varanasi has two cremation areas, this is the main one. You are allowed to walk around and see it but pictures are not allowed unless you are on a boat and from a respectful distance.

Varanasi at night

Varanasi at night

Getting ready for the Ganga Ceremony

Getting ready for the Ganga Ceremony

Ganga Ceremony

Ganga Ceremony



Yet another mountain of trash

Yet another mountain of trash

Indian cities do not have garbage disposal systems except for very limited areas. So all trash ends up on the streets and ultimately in the rivers. The Yamuna and Ganges rivers reach septic levels that deem the water useless for sustaining any lifeforms. Yet, Indian people still drink it, and many times get sick from it.

Train Station Mughal Sarai

Train Station Mughal Sarai

This day was the worst one we had in India. We arrived to the Station at 16:00 PM and could only leave around 01:00 AM....

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