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Ranthambore National Park

Ranthambore National Park

Ranthambore National Park

We were so lucky to be in India in May, when it was the best time to see tigers in the wild, so we signed up for 3 tours into Ranthambore National Park in order to see them.



Tours started around 6:00 AM, so it was good because it's not so hot that early in the morning. Same as in Africa, animals only move around early in the morning or late in the evening or night.

Driving to the park

Driving to the park







For our first tour we took one of these trucks, which carry around 20 to 30 people on them. Indians are not exactly quiet people, so it's not a very nice experience when you see an animal, because people can't stop moving, shouting and screaming around you.

There he was....

There he was....

This tiger was about 60 meters away from our trucks.

Blue Bull

Blue Bull

Also called Nilgai

Male Peacock

Male Peacock

Spotted Deer

Spotted Deer

Second day tour

Second day tour

Indian Banyan Tree





Arrowhead is a female tiger, she was taking a bath when we met her.

Our ride

Our ride

For the second and third tour we took one of these jeeps, where you only ride with 2-3 other people plus the driver and guide.

Our guide

Our guide

The tigers have always inhabited these woods and this area used to be the Maharajas hunting ground. When the villages started to grow, the tigers were left without food (as their prey moved away) and they sometimes attacked the villages, so the villagers started to hunt the tigers down. It was later decided to create a park, to move the villages to the outskirt of the park and to train the locals to be tour guides. The system has worked very well and the tigers are no longer in danger.

Elephants performing

Elephants performing

Standard image outside five stars hotels. Tourists always want to see the elephants, not knowing how much damage they really cause by supporting this slave trade.

Third day

Third day

We found Baloo!!! This is a Sloth Bear.

Beautiful tiger

Beautiful tiger

We were so lucky to find this tiger almost at the end of the park and we followed him for around 40 minutes.

I'm hungry....

I'm hungry....

This deer was hunted the night before and the tiger kept him in the water, so other tigers could not smell him.

I hear birds screaming....

I hear birds screaming....

Maybe another animal wants to come and steal my food...

Resting after breakfast

Resting after breakfast

After eating probably around 10 kilos of meat, he needed to rest...

Then I also need a walk....

Then I also need a walk....

Bye Bye

Bye Bye

Ok, if I hide here, I hope the tourists cannot bother me anymore...

Ranthambore Fort

Ranthambore Fort



This lady and her family were so kind to offer us to join them for dinner as we were walking around. We politely refused in order to keep our stomachs healthy, just in case...

Loaded truck....

Loaded truck....

We took a taxi from Jaipur to Ranthambore and the ride lasted for 3 hours. We then decided we would never drive in India.

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