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Northern Queensland - Cape York

Heading up the Cape

Heading up the Cape

While we were in Zimbabwe, Shane told us that October would be the limit month to visit the area of Cape York. In November the rains start and all this area gets flooded and isolated. Shane's family used to live in Bamaga, very close to Cape York, so they were very familiar with the area. So off we went, one week fishing and camping.

Australia has isolated areas

Australia has isolated areas

Old petrol stations

Old petrol stations

Huge trucks

Huge trucks

Also called Road Trains in Australia because they are extremely long.

Destination reached

Destination reached

We stayed here for one week, in the Oyala Thumotang National Park, next to the Archer river.

Our camping

Our camping

Shane's bed

Shane's bed

Our shower

Our shower

This is where we got our water

This is where we got our water

With a pot, standing one meter above the river level in order to avoid crocodile attacks.

Stay more than 2 meters away

Stay more than 2 meters away

from the water

Weaver ant nest

Weaver ant nest

We touched some of these nets accidentally when we were walking and all the ants got on us and starting biting! It hurt!!

Planning the route

Planning the route

Father and son

Father and son

Chicken made the Australian Bush way

Chicken made the Australian Bush way

It was excellent!



Traditional soda bread prepared by swagmen, drovers, stockmen and other travellers. Greg was an expert and it tasted very good!



Cleaning the fish

Cleaning the fish

You cannot reach the water to pick the fish up, so they get full of dirt when you lift them up.

Sleepy Cod

Sleepy Cod

Black Brim

Black Brim

Green Tree Frog

Green Tree Frog

File Snake

File Snake

File snakes are an important source of food for Aboriginal communities in northern Australia.

Off we go!

Off we go!

I much rather read than fish

I much rather read than fish

Walking in the bush

Walking in the bush

Checking out the billabong

Checking out the billabong

Billabongs are ponds created in the dry season when the rivers retreat. They normally have water lilies and plants around, but the invasion of wild pigs makes many billabongs look like the one in the picture. All the water lily bulbs have been eaten and the pond is left barren.



Water Lilies

Water Lilies

A real Billabong

A real Billabong

Eagle Flying

Eagle Flying

Another camping site

Another camping site

This one was booked, but when we got there, nobody was there. We didn't see anybody in the park in a whole week. This site was much nicer, so we stayed there one whole day.

I caught my first fish!

I caught my first fish!

A black brim. He was so hungry he swallowed the whole shrimp I was using as bait, so we had to get it full out of his mouth in order to release him.



Kangaroos also learned from their mothers not to drink water from the river, so they can avoid the crocodiles. Rather make a hole close by and drink water from there....





Saratogas are very similar to the Arawanas of the Amazon.











Red dirt...very Australian

Red dirt...very Australian

Road train

Road train

Lunch break

Lunch break

The tough boys petting cats...

Termite nests

Termite nests

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